In short, if you want to make money in the stock market

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In short, if you want to make money in the stock market

최고관리자 0 1403 0

you need a specific defensive plan for cutting your losses quickly and you need to
develop the decisiveness and discipline to make these tough, hard-head-
ed business decisions without wavering.

주식시장에서 돈을 벌기위해서는 손실을 빠르게 줄일수 있는 방어적인 계획을 세워야 한다.

흔들림없는 결단력과 원칙이 필요하다.

Remember, there are no good stocks—they are all bad...unless they
go up.

기억하라, 좋은 주식은 없다.

상승하지 않는한. 


*무플보다는 댓글을, 악플보다는 선플을*

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